Born in 1844 Nikolay Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov showed exceptional promise as a musician as early as six years of age, yet he was to follow in the family tradition and entered naval college in 1856. He continued his career in the navy until 1872, and it was to be the sea and travel to exotic places that was to colour much of his music. It was in 1861 that he met the great Russian trio of Balakirev, Cui and Mussorgsky, and it was that contact which convinced him music should be his future life.

On his next tour of duty aboard ship he composed his first symphony, which was conducted by Balakirev in 1865.

His interest in the navy quickly diminished, and he was writing a considerable amount of music in all forms. But from childhood he had been fascinated by opera, and it was in that area of music he thought himself most suited. His first venture was The Maid of Pskov completed in 1872. That coincided with his marriage to a very beautiful, but strong-willed young lady w