Franz Liszt (1811-1886)
Dante Sonata • Dante Symphony


Who in Vienna is to be my partner in the Dante Symphony? Two pianos are needed; I can only deal with one in the Wagner Society soirée at yours on Wednesday 24 March. Assure immediately the chairman of the society, Herr Ludwig Koch, of my willingness. Should the second part of the Dante Symphony (Purgatorio) be performed, ask friend Zellner to take charge of the harmonium and take care of the five voices, soprano and alto. The whole symphony lasts no longer than one hour.
Letter from Liszt to Ludwig Bösendorfer, Budapest, 11 March 1880.
The Vienna performance mentioned did not take place.

Born at Raiding, in Hungary, in 1811, the son of Adam Liszt, a steward in the service of Haydn's former patrons, the Esterházy Princes, Franz Liszt had early encouragement from member