George Frideric Handel (1685 - 1759)

Concerto Grosso in C minor Opus 6 No.8
Concerto Grosso in D minor Opus 6 No.10
Concerto Grosso in B minor Opus 6 No.12
Concerto Grosso in C major (Alexander's Feast)

George Frideric Handel was born in Halle in 1685, the son of an elderly barber-surgeon of some distinction and his second wife. Destined by his father for a career of greater distinction than music seemed able to provide, he was permitted to study music only through the intervention of the Duke of Saxe-Weissenfels, at whose court his father served, and after his father's death proceeded briefly to the University of Halle. After combining the study of law with a position as organist in the Calvinist cathedral for a year, he abandoned further study in 1703 to work as a musician in Hamburg, where he played second violin in the opera orchestra, later taking his place as harpsichordist and writing his first Italian operas, which were pr